World Bank Financed Community Based Sustainable Agriculture Project


A project proposal submitted by Grassroots Foundation is one of 05 (out of 160 applications) that will receive funding from International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) Civil society Fund (CSF).The Civil Society Fund supports activities related to civic engagement by providing small grants administered through World Bank Country Office of Sri Lanka.

The objective of the Project is to support community based sustainable agriculture mechanism and systems to mitigate and adapt to climate change through Organic Farming, integrated water resources management and networking. Since climate change has a direct impact on Agriculture, environmentally sound farming methods need to be developed and practiced through Grassroots intervention. Through several educational and field application activities planned, Grassroots expects the farmers to adopt better agricultural practices that will increase their farm land productivity and profitability. These activities are aimed at encouraging the younger generation’s participation in agriculture, and attracting and retaining them in the business. Retaining the younger generation in agriculture businesses has become increasingly difficult over the years as they prefer to go to the city in search of other ‘jobs’. Through activities planned for the young farmers, Grassroots intends to shed some light on young farmers to change their attitude towards farming, and to eco friendly cultivation as a profitable enterprise they should manage as professional farmers.

Grassroots in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture, Post Harvesting Technology Institute will provide the technical knowhow to members of the Circle and other farmers. Water scarcity in the Dry Zone area of Sri Lanka is one of the biggest challenges faced by people living in Northern, Eastern and South Eastern regions of Sri Lanka, which are also key areas of agriculture production. The project will be implemented in Vavuniya and Anuradhapura District over one year.